Monday, November 24, 2008

The Ballad of the One-Eared Boy

In front of a supermarket in another country altogether,
a careless woman puts her car in reverse without looking
and hits a man just out of the exit toting two bags of fruit.

He screams something real loud, slowly gets up
and throws a lemon at the window of the supermarket.

The woman slowly gets out of her car and her mouth is open
and she just stands there like a moron saying nothing.

It appears that the man is not too badly hurt
and he limps away with an awful look on his face
and never looks at or says a thing to the woman
(as if he was expecting this one day, like he deserved it)

The woman never says word one.
Not even: “Sorry about that”.

The man takes a full hour to walk home
when it usually only takes less than half that time
because he is limping so badly.

In his sleep that night,
he dies for no reason related
to getting hit by the car
driven in reverse
by the careless woman.

This whole incident messed up the universe
surrounding the town for the whole night
and no one felt good, not at all.

The whole town could have been on fire for all they cared.

One guy even got so drunk that he started yelling:
“I am stupid and I hate my stupid life
and these blueprints are meaningless and stupid!”
so loud that he woke up his wife (who doesn’t love him any more )
but not his son because he was born with just one ear
and was sleeping with it squarely on the pillow.


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